December 1, 2008

AdaptaSoft ‘ CyberPay

CyberPay Version 6.05 is AdaptaSoft’s service bureau style offering and is a very comprehensive and well-designed system. AdaptaSoft is focused exclusively on payroll software solutions. The company was formed in 1995 to develop an in-house payroll program called FlexPay for businesses to automate their internal payroll processing. In 1998, they introduced the CyberPay solution designed... Read more »

CyberPay Version 6.05 is AdaptaSoft’s service bureau style offering and is a very comprehensive and well-designed system. AdaptaSoft is focused exclusively on payroll software solutions. The company was formed in 1995 to develop an in-house payroll program called FlexPay for businesses to automate their internal payroll processing. In 1998, they introduced the CyberPay solution designed for accountants and other organizations that want to provide a full payroll service bureau offering. The program is developed in Microsoft Access, which provides all of the benefits of this widely used application development platform. CyberPay’s per-month maintenance fee for the scenario defined on page 26 would range between $300-$350.

The user interface is typical of a Microsoft Access application. It includes a series of tabbed windows organized by major processes or functions, making it relatively easy to find your way around. What makes the overall learning curve significant is just the shear depth of features and functions the system provides, particularly as it relates to all of the setup that is required as well as the system and minimal database administration required.

The fact that AdaptaSoft is focused exclusively on the payroll application market is evident in the depth of the CyberPay functionality. Some of the more notable features include the following:

Automated invoice generation (to streamline administration and improve your cash flow).

Unlimited pay types, deduction types and benefit types, including accruals and tracking.

Unlimited tax types.

The ability to copy and paste logos to give clients the look and feel of having their own payroll system.

Reverse pay run feature to completely back out a payroll if necessary. This is one of those features you hope you don’t have to use, but when you have the need, it can be worth the price of the package itself.

The ability to create ‘special checks’ to third parties that will be included in the check register.

Comprehensive ‘Bureau Setup’ function to define all of the parameters necessary to establish and customize your payroll processing service.

Bank statement reconciliation function.

Workflow Manager function to assign tasks to users that the CyberPay system will present when you begin processing each client.

The CyberPay system has as complete a list of payroll reports as any package reviewed here. In addition, the custom report development tool provides you with the ability to create nearly any type of report imaginable within the constraints of the database contents. The payroll checks can be highly customized for each client company, including their logo, MICR encoding, check signing, and special notes to print on the pay stub, which can be changed at every pay cycle. CyberPay also includes production environment tax reporting.

Suffice it to say, that if you need a payroll report, CyberPay will be able to produce it. The standard reports are comprehensive in their content, yet well-designed to make them relatively easy to review.

Due to the fact that CyberPay is developed as a MS Access/SQL database application, you have all of the integration/import and export features associated with this platform. In addition, AdaptaSoft offers the following add-on applications and services:
‘ Remote Module to let clients enter the payroll data directly on your system.
‘ Time clock interfaces.
‘ QuickBooks check and GL Export Option.

I really appreciate AdaptaSoft’s philosophy on training and support. They include four days of training (including lodging and meals) at their location as part of the license fee. All too often, accountants try to minimize expenses by limiting training. With AdaptaSoft’s approach, you would be foolish not to attend the training session. The result is a win-win situation for everyone. The more educated the user, the less intense the technical and help desk support AdaptaSoft needs to provide.

The pricing model for maintenance and technical support is based on a monthly minimum, plus either a per transaction fee or a per company fee. You can choose between Standard, Silver, Gold and Platinum plan options, which gives you a lot of flexibility. AdaptaSoft will also provide customization services if you need some unique features for your client base.
One of the most useful support resources the vendor provides is the ‘Kickstart Kit.’ This is a very well organized binder of information that includes sample Client Agreements, Conversion Checklists, Directory of Taxing Authorities, New Client Forms and Agreements, and Step-by-Step Instructions with sample forms and reports. It also includes a keyboard shortcut key template to speed up data-entry functions.

As they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. My first impression of AdaptaSoft was based on the information they provided for this review, which was complete and very well organized. It is hard to imagine a payroll system that offers a more complete feature, function and reporting set than what CyberPay offers. This is a very comprehensive and well-designed system for offering a payroll service bureau model to your clients. The only caveat is that since this is a solution that will be implemented and deployed 100% within your firm, you will need to have the proper level of internal IT technical support and network administration necessary to manage a Windows network environment with a SQL database application.


Review Attributes

In order to maintain as much consistency
in our reviews as practical, the
payroll software solutions were
rated on the following five areas:
Learning Curve; Breadth & Depth of Features & Services; Reporting Capabilities; Integration/Import & Export; and Customer Service & Support.

We also looked at the vendor’s
history and vision in terms of the
company’s experience, resources
(personnel and financial) and reputation
in the profession and the extent
to which they are focused on payroll
services. We also considered how
the vendor approaches the accountant’s
role in the payroll service delivery

The user interface is the primary
attribute evaluated to rate the
system’s Learning Curve. If
the software has an easy-to-follow
and intuitive interface, it received
the highest rating. On the other
hand, if it is not readily apparent
how and where to find features and
functions in the system, even though
the feature set may be complete,
we assessed a lower rating. This
is a key factor to evaluate because
of the intensive interaction of
the system that is required by your
staff and, in some cases, your clients.

The functionality of a payroll system
is a key characteristic to evaluate
because it will directly influence
the range of clients to which you
will be able to provide payroll
services, as well as the scope of
the services you will be able to
offer. Functionality is measured
in large part by the Depth &
Breadth of Features & Services.
How many options does the package
offer? Does it provide features
that meet the needs of a growing
company such as EFTPS (Electronic
Federal Tax Payment System)? MICR
(Magnetic Character Ink Recording)
and Direct Deposit? An extended
set of these types of features resulted
in a very high ranking in this category.

The following questions all relate
to the rating of the software’s
Reporting capability. What types
of reports does the system produce?
What is the content? How are they
designed? What flexibility is offered
in the sorting, selection and design
of the report contents?

Integration/Import & Export
assesses the packages ability to
integrate with other software applications,
such as client write-up, the client’s
accounting system, HRIS (Human Resource
Information Systems) and other applications
to minimize data entry and optimize
the potential to leverage the information
flow into and out of the payroll

The true measure of a software’s
value is not limited to the program
itself, it is heavily influenced
by the vendor’s ability to
help you use and apply it. All it
takes is one frustrating afternoon
of system problems on a day when
multiple client payrolls need to
get out the door and you can’t
get the help you need from the vendor
to leave you with a long-lasting
distaste for the entire system.
We have done our best to rate the
vendor’s ability to deliver
Customer Service & Support,
but at the end of the day you need
to conduct your own due diligence
on this attribute and talk to a
few client references about their
experience with the vendor in this
area. It is one thing for a vendor
to say what kind of support they
offer, it is quite another to deliver
it. We have included the vendor’s
direct support of the accountant
in terms of marketing and practice
aids to help establish a payroll
service bureau style offering in
this category.

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